
Labor Day Weekend 2011

        Labor Day weekend was so much fun this year.  We started the weekend off right!!  When we got home from a long work day on Friday, we were surprised with a "Yard of the Month" sign staked in our front yard.  My sweet hubbie works so hard on maintaining a manicured lawn.  If it were me and the summer heat this year.........I would have let that sucker go a long time ago!!!  ANYWHOOOOO......Congrats to Mr. Busby for a job well done!  We then hit the road to spend a very fun weekend with friends, family, and OU football.   Here are a few pictures from our weekend.  I totally forgot to take pictures at the tailgate because we were so busy catching up with our fellow Sooner fans :)   Buuuuuuut, I can happily report to you that OU was victorious over Tulsa 47-14. Yippee!!!!!

Boston's "new thing" is to say:
"OOOOOOOhh!!!!" when he gets excited about something.
BD makes this little monkey laugh all the time!!!

Spending special time with Nana
Grammy Time!!

Boston and GiGi going on their morning "Gah Cot" ride. 
Loving on his Mimi
So much fun!!!

In the swing.......be still my heart Boston Warner Busby!
Please don't let the picture fool you.  Boston isn't "sharing" his cookie.  He is STEALING Leighton's cookie.  We are still working on sharing..................

At the pool..... I just might kiss those cheeks right off his face.  

Playing with new toys he has never seen before.....Please peek at Little Miss Leighton mowing the concrete in the background.  Get it girlfriend!! 

Growling like a lion while Mommy is trying to get a decent picture....BOYS WILL BE BOYS!!! :) 

Daddy gets a normal picture.......

We had so much fun this weekend and made so many new memories.  Who said you can't have fun at the lake without getting in the water!!!!  Aside from the amoeba infested nasty still warm lake water, we wouldn't have even been able to get our boat off of the lift.  Our dock is sitting on the sand.  Here are a few very sad photos of Lake Texoma.  

Every little piece of sand that you see in these pictures "USED" to be happily submerged under Lake Texoma H20.

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